Helo Helmet Cords – ANR Using a Battery

Cords for ANR Using a Battery are made with a 20-inch power lead that connects to the ANR battery.

They fit HGU-56/P, HGU-84/P, SPH-5, SPH-4B, and SPH-4 helicopter helmets.


Explore Cord Options, Request a Quote, or Order a Cord. Popular options are listed, and more are available. Please call with questions.

Helmet Cords for ANR Using a Battery

These cords install on your helmet and end in the communications plug you select.

Helmet Cords – No Volume Control Helmet Cords – No Volume Control

Helmet cords without a volume control.

Helmet Cords – Volume Control Lead Helmet Cords – Volume Control Lead

Helmet cords with a volume control wire lead but without a volume control.

Six-inch and Extender Cords for ANR Using a Battery

Six-inch cords install on your helmet and require an extender cord to make a complete communications cord. They allow you to unplug the six-inch cord and exit the aircraft wearing your helmet. They also allow quick-disconnect in an emergency, which is recommended by the NTSB.

Six-inch Helmet Cords for ANR Using a Battery Six-inch Helmet Cords for ANR Using a Battery

These six-inch cords install on your helmet and can be used with any of the extender cords on this page. They end in a TP-120 plug that mates with the U-93 jack on the extender cord.